2006 Ordinary General Assembly

At its 2006 annual meeting in Santiago (Chile), the General Assembly of the IONA (International Organization New Acropolis) resolves:

  1. Wishes to express its commitment to the education of young people, within the values of solidarity and social responsibility which are so close to the driving ethical and philosophical principles of IONA.
  2. It associates itself with the processes of globalization which are emerging in the world and, as an international organization established in over fifty countries, it wishes to place its structure at the service of a better understanding between human beings. It therefore highlights the dialectic existing between the global and the local, and, in order to prevent the local from being diluted by the global, it wishes to implement a symbiosis between the two, which is summarized in the phrase “thinking globally, but acting locally”. Through this principle of subsidiarity, the different New Acropolis centres which form part of IONA will attempt to promote the development of regional and local identities wherever it conducts its activities, without forgetting the international community as a whole and at the same time taking advantage of the large international structure which IONA places at the service of local communities and minorities.
  3. As has been indicated by the United Nations Secretary-General, within the framework of the new globalized society, IONA wishes to develop all the communication models based on the new information technologies. It does this both through its international website (www.acropolis.org) and its national and local websites, as well as through its electronic magazines and all the means provided by the latest technology to bring the best criteria of philosophical education to the furthest corners of the planet.
  4. It reiterates its commitment to the society of our time through its implementation of specific actions of solidarity in different parts of the world where natural catastrophes, poverty, discrimination or injustice fall upon the most disadvantaged sections of society. This is reflected in the Yearbook published by IONA (in paper format and on CD), which describes the actions of New Acropolis in the catastrophes caused by the Tsunami in the Pacific, the earthquakes of Pakistan, natural disasters such as those suffered in El Salvador and Guatemala, as well as the countless actions of social assistance which have been carried out in orphanages, homes for the elderly, hospitals, etc.
  5. IONA reiterates the value of philosophy as a model of social commitment, since the values encouraged by philosophical knowledge promote in the individual a consciousness of humanity which enables it to recognize the needs of human beings and generates the desire to serve others. The General Meeting of IONA insists on the practical sense of philosophical knowledge as an indispensable instrument for helping the society of our time and developing greater solidarity.
  6. Finally, continuing the work it has carried out since its beginnings, forty-nine years ago, IONA is determined to continue with the efforts necessary to bring culture in all its expressions to people of all types without distinctions of creed, race or social status.