Our Founder
Jorge Ángel Livraga Rizzi, Founder and First President of the International Organization New Acropolis.
His innovative proposal was reviving the idea of School of Philosophy in the Classical Tradition, reintroducing the socratic method as a search for wisdom and knowledge of the human being. These schools, in the classical world – the Platonic Academy, the Lyceum of Aristotle, the Neoplatonic School of Alexandria – brought elements of renewal which were useful to guide the difficult times which they experienced. In the second half of the XX century this innovative call came again with profound roots in the classical tradition with a projection into the Third Millennium.
Bring Philosophy closer to practical life
The teaching work of Professor Livraga, as a pioneer and philosopher of the future, has led him to develop numerous facets of the curriculum of the School of Philosophy and, in parallel, to investigate and deepen the comparative study of religions and the various philosophical, sociocultural, scientific and artistic currents.
The main key of this Philosophy as a way of life is found in the Renaissance, beginning with the “inner rebirth of the human being”, according to his own words, a human being in continuous evolution, who asks himself questions about what he sees, what he feels, what he lives, who reflects and searches answers.
Bringing Timeless Philosophy closer to all people is the purpose of the Schools of Philosophy “in the classical manner” promoted by Professor Livraga for they are the legacy of Humanity’s Wisdom, with a vocation for not only study but also for action committed for the society of the present and the future.

A new Humanism
Deeply aware of the need for a new eclectic humanism capable of bringing together the great philosophical teachings of East and West, he developed a teaching methodology, especially designed for young people, to enable them to discover in those teachings the major keys to the meaning of existence and the destiny of humanity, as well as learning how to respond to change in an active way.
Understanding culture – the shared roots of all peoples and civilizations – helps to neutralize the threats of materialism and dogmatic irrationality that separate human beings and bring them into conflict with one another.
The Socratic methodology of the School of Philosophy is applied in culture through the practice of dialogue on all levels – between arts, sciences, religions, between human beings and the different cultures and nations that underpin their existence.
Professor Livraga spent his life promoting fraternity amongst individuals and nations, combating the material and moral poverty of his contemporaries and defending the liberty of conscience and expression wherever they were threatened or restricted.
Committment to Society
Philosophy, when it is put into practice, requires human beings to make a commitment to their times and to the society to which they belong. We can all do something to make the world better, the founder of New Acropolis used to repeat. The commitment that is born from the freedom of each individual is the most valuable, the most enduring, the most necessary thing one can do, in the midst of confusion and passivity.
That is the value of volunteering as a method of action.
Biographical Notes
Professor Jorge Ángel Livraga Rizzi was born in 1930 in Buenos Aires to a family of Italian origin, and obtained Italian nationality in 1975.
He studied Medicine, specializing in the Medicine of Ancient India, through the Adyar Section of the Theosophical Society in India.
He also obtained a Bachelor’s degree in History of Art and Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires.
At the same time, he received instruction from C. Jinarajadasa and N. Sri Ram, both of whom were presidents of the Worldwide Theosophical Society.
In 1957 he founded the School of Philosophy “in the classical tradition” which later became incorporated under the name of International Organization New Acropolis.
He devoted the rest of his life to promoting this “spiritual adventure”, building it up through a major effort of teaching and research, and establishing centers, first in Europe and America, and later, from 1977, in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
He died in Madrid in 1991.

In recognition of his work he was awarded the Cross of Paris in Arts, Sciences and Literature in 1976 and admitted to membership of the Burckhardt Academy, amongst other distinctions. In 1951 he won the First National Poetry Prize in Argentina.
Jorge Ángel Livraga dedicated his life to the service of the humanistic ideal which inspires and animates us, and on his death he left all his property to our Institution: the house where he was born and his personal collection of objets d’art for the creation of a private collection.

His works
He published studies on ancient cultures and civilizations, novels, philosophical essays and reflections on the modern world, as well as numerous articles.
One of the guiding principles of the works of Jorge Ángel Livraga was to make knowledge and philosophy available to the widest possible audience. Consequently, a considerable part of his intellectual output consists of a compilation of his classes and lectures, given on a wide variety of subjects, though always with a unifying thread: the need to awaken the individual consciousness in every human being.
Biographical Notes
“Ankor, the Last Prince of Atlantis”. A novel evoking the period just before the sinking of Poseidonis, the last vestige of Atlantis, according to Plato.
“The Alchemist”. A historical novel, following in the footsteps of Giordano Bruno.
“The Mystery Theatre in Greece: Tragedy”. An essay on the mystical roots of Theatre in Classical Greece and its cathartic function.
“The Elemental Spirits of Nature”. A synthesis of traditional knowledge on the invisible world.
“Thebes”. A historical and philosophical essay on ancient Egypt.
“Magic, Religion and Science for the Third Millennium”. 6 Volumes. Professor Livraga’s reflections on a wide range of subjects and proposed solutions based on practical philosophy.

Delia Steinberg
Delia Steinberg Guzmán was appointed International President of New Acropolis after the death of the founder, Professor Jorge Ángel Livraga in 1991. She was in charge of the management and coordination of the educational and cultural work of New Acropolis in all countries in which the Association is present.

Interview with the Honorary President of the International Organization New Acropolis
Delia Steinberg Guzmán was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1943. In 1972 she moved to Spain and in 1975 was granted Spanish nationality.
Studies and Qualifications
She studied music from an early age and, at the age of 17, graduated from the National Conservatory of Music in Buenos Aires as a Teacher of Piano and Composition.
For several years she continued to perfect her technique under the Argentinean concert pianist Flora Nudelman and later under the Russian master Hubert Brandenburg.
She also obtained a degree in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires.
Her interest in culture and education as a means of personal development led her to continue her studies in other disciplines. She has taken specialist courses in archaeology, history, history of music, bioenergetic medicine and other natural therapies.
Musical career
At the age of 10, she performed her first public concert and since then has often been selected to perform at piano events organized by different organizations, such as Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes, Jóvenes Concertistas Argentinos, Ateneo de Cultura Artística, Nuevos Valores Musicales, Asociación Harmonicus, Department of Culture of the Ministry of Education of the Argentine Republic, Promociones Musicales and others, both public and private.
She has given numerous concerts at different venues, as well as on radio and television, both in Argentina and in other American countries, obtaining excellent reviews in the press.
On the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the death of Maurice Ravel and together with other artists and journalists, she participated in the tribute to the late composer organized by the Argentinean Institute of Engineers on the 7th of July in 1967.
In 1988, in order to promote musical studies on an international scale, she founded the Tristan Music Institute, where she gives piano classes. Currently, the Tristan Institute operates in Spain, Brazil, France, Israel and Germany, with an emphasis on teaching activities.
Since that time she has also been running music appreciation courses in Spain, including courses dedicated to the works of Bach, Mozart, Wagner, Chopin and Schumann.
In 1982, in order to promote new values in music, she instituted the International Piano Competition which now bears her name, forming part of the jury and promoting the artistic careers of young music professionals. The Delia Steinberg International Piano Competition is held annually in Madrid (Spain) and attracts young pianists from all over the world.

Teaching and Research
In 1966 she began to study the complete syllabus of the School of Philosophy of the International Organization New Acropolis under the guidance of its founder, Professor Jorge Angel Livraga. She subsequently joined the teaching staff of the Institution, giving classes on History of Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, History of Religions, Eastern Philosophy, Psychology, Metaphysical Aesthetics, Oratory and all the other topics which are covered in the New Acropolis Program of Studies. She has also produced teacher training manuals for the above-mentioned subjects.
Her work as a teacher has also expanded to include giving training courses for other teachers and educators within New Acropolis.
She has delivered courses, lectures and seminars in different countries across Europe, America and Asia on topics such as “Common Features in Ancient Civilizations”, “Pain and its Causes”, “Esoteric Traditions about the Origins of Man and the Universe”, “The Keys to Astrology”, “Philosophy for Living”, “The Anguish of Youth”, “Astrology and Psychology “, “Egypt: Thought, Life and Religion”, “The Initiatic Way of Santiago”, “The Legacy of the Templars”, “The Metaphysical Beauty of Woman”, “Tradition and Time”, “Music Therapy”, “Colour Therapy”, and many more.
In 1977 she founded and promoted a Short Story Competition in Spain which has now been through 25 editions, and has formed part of the panel of judges alongside important figures in the genre of literary narrative.
From 1972 to 1991 she was the director of this Institution in Spain, during which time the cultural activity of New Acropolis spread to more than thirty cities around the country.
Throughout this time she promoted teaching and research activities in several areas:
For children and teenagers: Camping trips, excursions, story-telling, introductory workshops to philosophy as an educational tool, etc.
Medicine and holistic therapies, with continuing development and research programs for doctors, health technicians, therapists, etc., including workshops given by leading professionals on Acupuncture, Laser Therapy, Homeopathy, Magneto-therapy, Bioenergetics, etc.
Social action: Training courses and workshops for volunteers, including active participation in ecological and social programs, disaster relief, animal welfare centers, etc., in association with official organizations.
All of these initiatives have had far-reaching repercussions, both nationally and internationally.
From 1975 to 1991, she was also the coordinator of the activities of New Acropolis in Europe. In 1991, after the death of the founder, Professor Jorge Ángel Livraga, she was elected International President of New Acropolis. In this capacity she has been responsible for managing and coordinating the cultural and educational work of this International Association in all the countries in which it is established.
She died in Mallorca in 2023.
She has published many articles in magazines and newspapers on topics related to philosophy, music, history and culture in general.
In 1972 she founded and continues to direct the Spanish magazine “Cuadernos de Cultura” (Cultural Notebooks) in which she wrote many articles and serials on a theme, such as “Between Ourselves”, “At the End of the Day “, “A Story to Tell”, and “Let’s Ask Ourselves…” – dedicated to promoting the practical application of philosophy in daily life.
Since 2000, she also has also been editor of the cultural magazine “Sphinx”, which is published throughout Spain and in various countries in Latin America.
Published Books and Handbooks
She has written more than thirty books and handbooks about Practical Philosophy, Psychology, Ancient Civilizations, Astrology, etc. All of them are published in Spanish and many of them have been translated into other languages such as French, English, German, Turkish, Russian, Czech, Romanian, Portuguese, Greek, and many others.
Since 1995 she has directed the publication of a Yearbook with a summary of activities carried out by New Acropolis in the numerous countries where it is present. The Yearbook reflects the Organization’s direct action and participation in society, in the fields of culture, ecology, music, medicine, martial arts and social issues, with the spirit of unity and diversity that characterizes it and which she has worked to promote and bring into reality for more than forty years.
In recognition for her work as Director of New Acropolis, she was awarded the Silver Medal for Arts, Science and Literature in 1980 by the Academic Society for Education and Encouragement, accredited by the Académie Française.